Pittsburgh Erectile Dysfunction Treatment

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Regenerative Solutions

Treating the Root Cause

Regenerative Medicine Center Pittsburgh has the solution for erectile dysfunction.

As men age, there are changes that begin to take place. The body stops regenerating new blood vessels which are vital channels that deliver necessary blood flow in order to have a strong erection. Less channels result in less blood flow. As the aging process continues, micro-plaque begins to build up in the blood vessels, restricting blood flow causing weaker erections and ultimately leading to ED.

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Consider Acoustic Pressure Wave Therapy No Surgery No Risk

APWT is FDA cleared technology, clinically proven, non-invasive treatment method for erectile dysfunction. Acoustic wave therapy generates new blood vessels, increases blood flow and breaks down the micro-plaque in the penis. The procedure does not have the risk, complications and the discomfort of needles and surgery. The treatment is performed in-office, takes approximately 15-20 minutes and does not require anesthesia.

How is the treatment performed?

A coupling gel is applied to the treatment area.  Acoustic pressure waves are applied to the penis by an applicator as it is moved over the area in a circular motion.

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Benefits of APWT Include:

  • Stimulates metabolism
  • Enhances blood circulation
  • Increased sensitivity
  • Increased vitality
  • Pain free
  • No side effects
  • Return to normal activity immediately following the procedure
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What are the expected results?

  • Effective in 1-6 treatments
  • Improvement of erectile function
  • Increased stimulation
  • Improvement of peyronie’s disease
  • Improved satisfaction
  • More intense orgasms
  • 80+% patient satisfaction


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