Covid On the Rise? What to Do?

What to do as Covid-19 cases rise?  Whether vaccinated or unvaccinated, the below guidelines are recommended during the pandemic.

The guidelines listed below are based on protocols developed by the Front Line Covid-19 Critical Care Alliance, FLCCC.*   The high dose Vitamin D3  protocol is not from FLCCC but is one being evaluated by RMC for any acute respiratory illness and needs to be done under a doctor’s care. *****

FLCCC protocols were first introduced to me by a colleague utilizing these protocols in the ICU early in the pandemic.  The FLCCC Alliance was formed by a group of pulmonary doctors working the ICU’s trying to find ways to save critically ill patients.  These doctors formulated the educational MATH+ Hospital Treatment Protocol in efforts to prevent Covid patients from having to go on ventilators.  This then lead to their educational I-MASK+ Prevention and Early Outpatient Treatment Protocol centered around the anti-parasitic drug Ivermectin.*

Ivermectin used in the treatment and prevention of Covid is off-label for physicians, meaning the FDA has not approved Ivermectin for the treatment or prevention of Covid-19, although it is “FDA approved for some parasitic worms. The FDA has not reviewed data to support use of ivermectin in COVID-19 patients to treat or to prevent COVID-19; however, some initial research is underway.”***

FLCCC has put together a manuscript with supportive studies of Ivermectin and Covid-19 now being peer reviewed at a prominent American medical journal.  You can access this manuscript at from the FLCCC Alliance Website.

From the beginning of the pandemic, I was told by a colleague, “No one has to die of Covid-19, but you have to treat early and be aggressive”.    Now more than ever, we all have to stay vigilant to our personal health care and lifestyle.  Besides eating well and exercising, this includes taking vitamins and minerals to reach optimal levels. Hormones also play a critical role in our immune system and overall health.

The below FLCCC guidelines are adapted based on my patient population’s average vitamin and mineral levels.  These are guidelines, not treatment plans.  Most of my patients are not on melatonin as it often makes people too groggy.

Hand washing and distancing continue to be critical to decreasing disease transmission.  Always call your doctor for individualized treatment or prevention of Covid-19.


The below vitamins, minerals, as well as hormone levels should be optimized to 50% -100% of the normal reference range.  The below amounts are an average for most people.  Many physicians have slightly different protocols but the basic vitamins and minerals remain the same.  This has not changed during the pandemic.  Treat immediately at the earliest sign or symptom whether you are vaccinated or not.  Continue treatment until symptoms are gone.  Again, please call your doctor if you are sick.

  1. VITAMIN D3 5000 to 10,000 units a day. Vitamin D helps to improve your immune system.
  2. ZINC 30 mg twice a day Zinc is critical for viral protection, immune system function, thyroid function, and testosterone function.
  3. QUERCETIN 500 mg twice a day Quercetin is an ionophore helping zinc get into cells and even viral cells where it can do its work.  Zinc deficiency is correlated with Covid-19 infections, especially with loss of taste and smell.****
  4. VITAMIN C 3000 mg a day
  5. MELATONIN 6 mg at bedtime


  2. IVERMECTIN  .2 mg/kg per dose.  Best taken with or after meals.  Repeat the first dose after 48 hrs.  Then one dose weekly or every 2 weeks based on population density and possible exposure.


  1. IVERMECTIN .2 mg/kg per dose.  Best taken with or after meals.  Repeat the first dose after 48 hrs.  Then take one dose weekly while being exposed.
  2. VITAMIN D3 50,000 to 200,000 units a day for 3 days. Then resume your normal dose of Vitamin D3 and get blood levels.
  3. ZINC 60 mg twice a day during exposure
  4. QUERCETIN 1000 mg twice a day
  5. VITAMIN C 3000 mg a day
  6. MELATONIN 10 mg at bedtime

DIAGNOSED COVID-19 WITH SYMPTOMS -Call your doctor immediately.  If you are short of breath, go to the nearest Emergency Room.

  1. IVERMECTIN .2 mg to 0.4 mg/kg per dose depending on severity of symptoms.  Best taken with or after meals.  Repeat dose every day until symptoms are gone
  2. VITAMIN D3 50,000 to 200,000 units a day for 3 days. Then 50,000 units of Vitamin D3 three times a week depending on severity of symptoms and blood levels.
  3. ZINC 100 mg twice a day
  4. QUERCETIN 1000 mg twice a day
  5. VITAMIN C 3000 -5000 mg a day
  6. MELATONIN 10 mg at bedtime
  7. ASPIRIN 325 mg
  8. STEROIDS Prednisone taper if needed

Be well, eat well, exercise well…..And always have an Awesome day.  Dr D
